A 3D Skatepark at night set in the streets of Tokyo, using over 40 individual 3D objects with 23 custom animations and 18 lighting effects.
This scene has lots of detailed objects & textures, for optimal rendering performance please load this on a PC or Mac.
3D Objects
Over 40 seperate 3D objects were colour-graded to ensure they perfectly blended with the rest of the scene. Some of the objects also came pre-animated which helped bring the scene to life.
There are many lighting FX used in this scene including point lights, directional lights and particle emitters to look like a nighttime scene. 
The material lighting for each 3D object had to be graded to ensure they looked like they all belonged in the scene and were carefully placed to make the most of the lighting in the scene.
Sound FX
Using a combination of two soundscapes I gave my scene the feeling of a bustling skate park and the ambience of a street at night with a slight undertone of police sirens in the background.

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